
tendon rot Learn more about tendon rot

  • How to treat Tomato tendon Rot

    How to treat Tomato tendon Rot

    Tomato tendon rot is a common and serious physiological disease in greenhouse tomato. Except for the slightly diseased fruits, they have no commercial value. There were no obvious symptoms in the stems and leaves of the diseased plants. So, how to prevent and cure tomato tendon rot? 1. Tomato tendons

    2020-11-08 Tomato tendon rot disease how cure tomato yes
  • Symptoms and Causes of Tomato Stems and Rotten Fruits

    Symptoms and Causes of Tomato Stems and Rotten Fruits

    Symptoms and Causes of Tomato Stems and Rotten Fruits

  • Comprehensive Control of Tomato Gluten Rot

    Comprehensive Control of Tomato Gluten Rot

    Tomato (Tomato), alias tomato, persimmon. The ancient name is June persimmon and the good news is three yuan. In Peru and Mexico, it was originally called Wolf Peach. All have sticky glandular hairs with a strong smell. The stem is easy to lodge. Leaves pinnately compound or pinnately parted, leaflets extremely irregular

    2020-11-08 Tomato tendon rot diseased comprehensive control tomato alias
  • How to cook beef so that it can be fast and rotten? How long will it take to cook raw beef?

    How to cook beef so that it can be fast and rotten? How long will it take to cook raw beef?

    Beef can be cooked and eaten, and then add some seasoning, the taste is also very good. But whether the cooked beef is delicious or not also depends on the individual's cooking skills, so how to cook the raw beef? How can raw beef be cooked easily? Beef should be overcooked.

    2020-11-11 Boil beef how ability fast rotten raw how long can be cooked
  • How to Control Tomato seed Diseases and pests

    How to Control Tomato seed Diseases and pests

    How to control tomato seed diseases and pests? Please introduce the general diseases of tomato seeds as follows: (1) Tomato flower skin disease, which is a physiological disease, which is also called tendon rot or stripe rot or with rot, which mainly harms the fruit. One is browning: cutting open the diseased fruit.

  • The main reason for the empty root of orchid

    The main reason for the empty root of orchid

    There are many reasons for empty roots, in addition to water, it may also be caused by insect bites or fungi, if the tendon in the middle of the root is black, it is an empty root caused by pathogenic bacteria, if the tendons are normal rice-white, and the empty root does not have stagnant water, smell the unique fragrance of Langen, it is due to the exuberant root fungi, this is a normal phenomenon.

  • Turning and watering of orchids

    Turning and watering of orchids

    After several years of potted orchid cultivation, there are many plants and dense roots, which affect the growth and expansion of new grass, as well as the presence of rot in the pot, which provides favorable conditions for bacterial growth. Therefore, it is necessary to turn the basin, split the plant and replace the plant material. Turning the basin generally refers to the regular turning of the basin, according to the previous experience to the early stage of the Spring Equinox to Qingming or the Autumn Equinox to.

  • Prevention and treatment of bovine necrotic bacilli

    Prevention and treatment of bovine necrotic bacilli

    Necrobacillosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Clostridium necrosis. in clinic, tissue necrosis is common, such as skin, subcutaneous tissue and digestive tract mucosa, and metastatic necrosis can also be formed in the viscera. First, symptoms. The incubation period is 1-3 days. The common diseases in cattle are rotten hoof disease and diphtheria. The former is common in adult cattle. At the beginning of the disease, there are holes and holes in the bottom of the hoof, and there are necrotic and decaying inflammatory products. It is black and smelly like water, in addition, abscesses, pus leakage and surrounding skin necrosis are formed between the toes, the crown of the hoof and the heel. Inflammation can spread to synovial bursa and tendon

  • Prevention and treatment of Orchid virus

    Prevention and treatment of Orchid virus

    Prevention and treatment of Orchid virus

  • Culture method of tequila six steps to determine potted tequila

    Culture method of tequila six steps to determine potted tequila

    Culture method of tequila six steps to determine potted tequila

  • Yonghuai Su lotus valve

    Yonghuai Su lotus valve

    Large lotus petals, white green tendons, large round tongue, pure white tongue; the flower shape is dignified and beautiful, which is the boutique of lotus petal element. Belongs to the lotus petal orchid variety Suxin lotus petal. The leaves are thick, oil-green, with bright veins, drooping leaves, long 40-50cm, 0.8-1.1cm wide, 7 leaves per plant, and white glutinous buds without miscellaneous colors. Florescence.

  • "Seven maintenance" and "four Prevention and Control" of Bluegrass in Spring

    The "seven maintenance" and "four prevention" of bluegrass maintenance in spring.

  • The latest tomato green fruit control methods

    The latest tomato green fruit control methods

    Tomato green peel fruit is a kind of tendon rot fruit, is a physiological disease in the tomato growth period, the occurrence of this disease, to bring great losses to farmers, so the need to do the corresponding control measures, then tomato green peel fruit is what causes

    2020-11-10 latest tomato green peel fruit control method
  • Skin rot of giant salamander in aquaculture

    Skin rot of giant salamander in aquaculture

    Skin rot is the most harmful disease to the artificial culture of giant salamander, and it spreads quickly. Because the water quality of artificial molt is easy to be polluted, the water often multiplies in large quantities.

  • How to raise the latest leaf orchid?

    How to raise the latest leaf orchid?

    One-leaf orchid is a perennial evergreen perennial herb of the genus Liliaceae, also known as big-leaf evergreen, bamboo leaf plate, Kowloon plate, bamboo tendon and so on. It is warm and humid, semi-overcast, cold-resistant and extremely shady. It is native to the provinces and regions of southern China and is now in China.

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  • High-yield planting techniques of towel gourd

    High-yield planting techniques of towel gourd

    High-yield planting techniques of towel gourd

  • Maintenance of bluegrass in spring

    Maintenance of bluegrass in spring

    Small rods and big flowers, very beautiful. Emei Narcissus, a very stable breed! The color is also good.

  • The latest course of high-yield planting techniques of towel gourd

    The latest course of high-yield planting techniques of towel gourd

    Towel gourd is called watermelon or victorious gourd in Cantonese. Pearl River Delta towel gourd refers to star anise gourd, which is a kind of cucurbitaceae plant native to India, also known as vegetable gourd, which is widely cultivated in East Asia. For Cucurbitaceae climbing herbs, towel gourd has strong roots. Stem trailing, pentagonal,

    2020-11-10 The latest towel gourd high yield planting techniques methods tutorials in
  • [one-leaf orchid] pictures, culture methods and matters needing attention of one-leaf orchid

    [one-leaf orchid] pictures, culture methods and matters needing attention of one-leaf orchid

    [one-leaf orchid] pictures, culture methods and matters needing attention of one-leaf orchid

  • Can hermit crabs be eaten?

    Can hermit crabs be eaten?

    Can hermit crabs be eaten?
